HOMEPrivacy PolicyTBS HOLDINGS Privacy Policy

(Translation of the Japanese document for reference purpose only)

Privacy Policy

TBS HOLDINGS, INC. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company,” “we” or “us”) has adopted this Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as this “Policy”) in accordance with the “TBS HOLDINGS and its Group Companies’ Personal Information Protection Principles” and “TBS HOLDINGS and its Group Companies’ Personal Information Handling Rules” (hereinafter referred to as the “Handling Rules”) established by the Company. We will handle personal information in a lawful and proper manner under this Policy.

1. Name, Address and Representative of the Company

5-3-6 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8006, Japan
President & Chief Executive Officer: Ryujiro ABE

2. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

(1) We will handle personal information provided by you in a lawful and proper manner in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information of Japan (hereinafter referred to as the “APPI”) and other applicable laws and regulations.

(2) We will not use personal information in any way that may encourage or induce illegal or improper acts.

3. Acquisition and Use of Personal Information

(1) We will publicly disclose the purpose of use of personal information (including the disclosure in this Policy) or notify you of the purpose, and will acquire personal information in a lawful and proper manner.

(2) We will use personal information properly to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use.

4. Purpose of Use of Personal Information

(1) We will use personal information for the following purposes:

Personal information of customers:

A) Personal information related to TV programs (including one-segment broadcasting)

・To conduct lottery and delivery of prizes via TV programs, data broadcasting and other related internet sites (winners' personal information, including names, may be announced on TV programs);
・To accept votes, posts and participation in TV programs via TV programs, data broadcasting and other related internet sites;
・To cast individuals on TV programs (including video streaming or video downloading of programs);
・To provide information regarding TV program fan sites and other information;
・To carry out surveys to research the viewing trends;
・To provide compensation for participation in surveys;
・To pay for the appearance in TV programs;
・To pay remuneration to the providers of the materials for TV programs; and
・To respond to inquiries from viewers.

B) Personal information related to event enterprises (movies, theaters, exhibitions, seminars, etc.)

・To sell and deliver tickets, confirm purchases, and offer customer support;
・To verify identification at the event venues;
・To provide information about (co-)organized events by us, movie previews, etc.;
・To identify trends among event visitors;
・To confirm registration and provide subscriptions or membership services;
・To authenticate and verify the identity of customers; and
・To facilitate other transactions with customers.

C) Personal information related to shopping enterprises

・To process product sales, including purchase confirmation, payment processing, product delivery and customer support;
・To conduct market research and data analysis through questionnaires, to engage in research and development of goods and services;
・To provide information about goods and services via direct mail, e-mail, etc.;
・To facilitate smooth transactions with customers;
・To respond to customer inquiries;
・To analyze, evaluate, and improve goods and services to develop new offerings; and
・To conduct other business related to our goods and services.

D) Personal information related to our website (including mobile services)

・To conduct lottery and delivery of prizes advertised on the website (winners’ personal information, including names, etc., may be announced on the website);
・To provide information about goods and services;
・To accept feedback and requests regarding our programs and us;
・To carry out surveys to research the viewing trends;
・To provide compensation for participation in surveys; and
・To manage subscribers’ information on paid sites.

E) Personal information related to “TBS Program Catalog”

・To process orders for program purchase;
・To sell programs to customers; and
・To respond to inquiries about the programs.

Personal information of business partners:

・To maintain necessary business communications;
・To fulfill contracts and conduct business negotiations;
・To manage information of business clients and partners; and
・To consider or to conduct new domestic and international business or M&A transactions.

Personal information of shareholders:

・To exercise rights and fulfill obligations under Companies Act of Japan;
・To provide services such as shareholder benefits, etc.;
・To maintain records in accordance with applicable laws and regulations; and
・To respond to inquiries from shareholders.

Personal information related to recruitment activities:

・To communicate with and provide information about the recruiting and hiring process to the applicants, interviewees, etc.

Personal Information of employees:

・To facilitate business communications;
・To administer payroll and compensation;
・To manage human resources and labor relations;
・To provide employee benefits;
・To manage employees’ health and well-being;
・To manage procedures after retirement; and
・To comply with other legal obligations and to carry out necessary business procedures and communications.

Other purposes that are not stated above:

・To manage funds raised by JNN & JRN disaster donations;
・To manage and maintain real estate enterprises; and
・To operate and maintain necessaries for our business.

(2) We will destroy or delete personal information, without delay, if it is no longer required to achieve the purpose of use stated above, in accordance with our internal regulations.

5. Joint Use of Personal Information

(1) We will jointly use your personal data with TBS group companies, as follows:

  • Items of personal data to be jointly used: address, name, postal code, phone number, FAX number, email address, inquiry details, etc.
  • Scope of joint use: the Company and its group companies (excluding the affiliated companies accounted for by the equity-method)
  • Purpose of use: the purposes listed in Section 4 (1) [Personal information of customers] above.
  • The entity responsible for management of the personal data: TBS HOLDINGS, INC. (Our address and representative are provided in Section 1 above.)

(2) We may jointly use your personal data with joint ventures or business partners in businesses conducted jointly with such entities. In such case, prior to such use, we will notify you of the items of personal data to be used, scope of joint use, purpose of joint use, and the entity responsible for management of the personal data, or make these information readily accessible to you.

6. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

We will not provide any personal information to third parties, except in the cases listed below:

  • When we obtain the prior consent of the person;
  • When we outsource the processing of personal information to third parties to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use;
  • When we provide personal information to persons or entities listed in the scope of joint use in Section 5 above;
  • When we are required by laws and regulations to provide personal information;
  • When the provision of personal information is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person;
  • When the provision of personal information is specially necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person; or
  • When the provision of personal information is necessary for cooperating with a government agency, a local government, etc. in executing the affairs prescribed by laws and regulations and obtaining the consent of the person is likely to impede the execution of the affairs

7. Security Control Measures

We take the necessary and appropriate measures to manage the security of personal data, such as prevention of leakage, loss or damage of the personal data. In addition, we exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over employees and contractors (including subcontractors etc.) who handle personal data. Details of our security control measures for personal data are specified in the Handling Rules. The main items are as follows:

(Organizational Security Control Measures)

✔ We appoint a person responsible for the management of personal data. We also clarify the scope of employees who handle personal data and the scope of personal information that each employee handles. In addition, we establish a reporting system to the Chief Privacy Officer (hereinafter referred to as “CPO”) in the event that any facts or signs of violation of APPI or the Handling Rules are detected; and

✔ We conduct periodic self-inspection of the status of the handling of personal data. Furthermore, there shall be inspections carried out from CPO and the Personal Information Management Committee.

(Human Security Control Measures)

✔ We provide periodic training regarding the handling of personal data to employees; and

✔ We have provisions regarding the confidentiality of personal data in the employment regulations.

(Physical Security Control Measures)

✔ In areas where personal data is handled, we exercise access control over employees, restrict the devices that can be brought into such areas, and prevent unauthorized access to personal data; and

✔ We take measures to prevent theft or loss of devices, including electronic media, and documents that handle personal data. Additionally, when transporting these devices within the office, we take measures to prevent personal data from being easily identified.

(Technological Security Control Measures)

✔ We exercise access control to limit the persons who handle personal data and the scope of the personal information database handled by such persons; and

✔ We have introduced a system to protect the information systems on which personal data is handled from unauthorized access from outside or by unauthorized software.

8. Requests for Disclosure of Personal Information, etc.

When you or your representative make requests for disclosure and others (including notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition and deletion, and discontinuation of use, of personal information) or make requests for disclosure of record of provision to a third party, please follow the procedures below. To ensure proper identify verification for requests regarding personal information, we only accept these requests by mail. However, if you are an individual in the EU, you may also submit the requests via email.

If you have any comments or complaints regarding the handling of personal information related to our broadcast content, please submit them through this form.

(1) Obtaining the request documents

Please select the appropriate documents (PDF) below, download it, and print it out:

・Request for notification of purpose of use or disclosure of personal information.
  → Here (Japanese only)
・Request for correction, addition or deletion of personal information.
  → Here (Japanese only)
・Request for discontinuation or deletion of using personal information, or discontinuation of provision to third parties.
  → Here (Japanese only)

(2) Please complete the request document and enclose the following documents.

Personal ID documents (REQUIRED)

Please enclose copies of two documents from the following list that verify your address and name:

・Driver's license
・Health insurance card
・Basic Resident Registration Card
・Pension book
・Alien registration certificate

In the case of a request by a representative, please enclose the following documents:

・The representative's identity verification document (acceptable documents are listed above) and
・The document that proves the status of legal representative of a minor or adult ward, or a power of attorney.

The copies used for certification will be destroyed once the verification is complete.


*applicable only to the request for notification of purpose of use or disclosure of personal information

A charge of five hundred yen (JPY500) is required for each request. Payment of the charge shall be made only by fixed-amount postal money order issued by JAPAN POST HOLDINGS Co., Ltd. (please check here for more details with regards to fixed-amount postal money order).

(3) Where to send the request document

5-3-6 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8006, Japan
TBS Personal Information Management Office

(4) Response to the request

We will respond to your request as soon as possible by registered mails (or by email if you are an individual in the EU and contacted us by email). In cases where we are unable to comply with your request, we will notify you of the reasons in writing. With regards to the request for disclosure of personal information or record of provision to a third party, the disclosure will be made in accordance with the method requested by the individual or their representative. However, if the requested method of disclosure requires excessive costs or if it is difficult to disclose the information by such method, the information will be disclosed by mail.
Please note that we may contact you for clarification if we have difficulty identifying the relevant personal information or if there are any unclear points in your request.

(5) In case you have comments or complaints with regard to our handling of personal information, please contact to TBS Personal Information Management Office stipulated in Section 8 (3) above by mail or email, or call +81-(0)3-3746-1111(TBS main phone number).

The operation hours for the inquiries:

・From 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM (JST), Monday through Friday, except for national holidays and our business holidays, such as the year-end and new year holidays, etc.

9. Relationship with individual terms and conditions.

(1) We have established individual terms and conditions or privacy policies (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Individual Terms”) for each service or product. The following is a list of the main ones.


(2) If there is any overlap or discrepancy between this Policy and the Individual Terms, the provisions of the Individual Terms shall prevail.

10. Personal Information of individuals in the EU

(1) We (including our branches in the EU) may transfer personal Information acquired within the EU to our headquarters in Japan, which has received an adequacy decision by the European Commission.

(2) Data subjects whose personal information is acquired by us in the EU may, by contacting us using the information provided in Section 4(1) above:

・request access to, rectification or erasure of, or restriction of processing of their personal information;
・lodge a complaint about the processing of their personal information; and
・exercise the rights of data portability.

(3) Data subjects of Section 10(2) above may also file a complaint to the supervisory authority.

11. Others

(1) This Policy shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.

(2) Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Policy or Individual Terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court as the court of first instance.

Formulated on April 01, 2022
Revised on October 02, 2023
Revised on June 27, 2024
Revised on December 01, 2024